海釣り名人 スズキ編

A really incomplete prototype, many features missing and the skill portion of the actual fishing is missing.

Title - Final / Sample

The title is enhanced with a nice background on the container for the options. The C glyph is also updated to be a little less pronounced.

Title - Final
Title - Sample
2-Up Swipe Onion Skin

Prologue - Final / Sample

Most notable, there is no prologue, just a placeholder.

Title - Final
Title - Sample
2-Up Swipe Onion Skin

Options Menu - Final / Sample

The options menu is updated to look more interesting in the final build.

Title - Final
Title - Sample
2-Up Swipe Onion Skin

Championship - Final / Sample

The background image has been changed, notably the fishing lure, the bottom of the fish, and the waves.

Title - Final
Title - Sample
2-Up Swipe Onion Skin

In Game - Fishing - Final / Sample

The in game is very different, options are missing and there is no time, and the sky is yellow.

Title - Final
Title - Sample
2-Up Swipe Onion Skin
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
       File: Umi Tsuri Meijin - Suzuki Hen (Japan) (Prototype).sfc
       Name: _____________________    Company: Banarex
     Header: None                        Bank: HiROM
Interleaved: None                        SRAM: 32 Kb
       Type: Normal                       ROM: 8 Mb
    Country: Japan                      Video: NTSC
  ROM Speed: 200ns (SlowROM)         Revision: 1.0
   Checksum: Corrupt, Bad 0xCC2F    Game Code:
      CRC32: C7939DBF
        MD5: AF0D2B82D1C99D5A6121CA9E9E11E37A
      SHA-1: F932A6D3F051835C5F6B8687E61023B0A47FDFC6
    ROM wasn't found in the database (possible bad dump).

---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
       File: Umi Tsuri Meijin - Suzuki Hen (Japan).sfc
       Name: ウミヅリメイジン スズキヘン       Company: Electronic Arts Japan
     Header: None                        Bank: LoROM
Interleaved: None                        SRAM: 16 Kb
       Type: Normal + Batt                ROM: 8 Mb
    Country: Japan                      Video: NTSC
  ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM)         Revision: 1.0
   Checksum: Good 0x291E            Game Code: AUFJ
      CRC32: BA2A817C
        MD5: FFEF33F8DBECDED3778982D7E8BD4133
      SHA-1: 79D9DC9DB69F46FCDDBE9AFB42FC9B3CF69881B5
       Name: Umi Tsuri Meijin - Suzuki Hen
    Country: Japan                   Revision: 1.0
     Port 1: Gamepad                   Port 2: Gamepad
    Genre 1: Sports                   Genre 2: Fishing

PCB Scans coming soon!


Download Umi Tsuri Meijin - Suzuki Hen (Japan) (Prototype)