Touge Densetsu - Saisoku Battle (Japan) (Prototype)
The original auction was mentioned in the SNESCentral Article a long time ago, here are the details. More of the TCRF found Ln-MOS X-Modem debugging goodness inside.
In the sample, the credit listing DOS code is missing, starting at 0x5161
they begin to differ. The string ACING GE BB.LENAR Co.,1995.5
is found in the SRAM.
A few typos have been fixed, track times made real, and colors slightly changed between the prototype and the final version. The map of Japan has also been touched up, and the bike customization screen is very different, much more polished.
The bike config is missing the automatic / manual transmission option.
The name select no longer defaults to H
as the first character in the final, and some slight name placement adjustments.
The color of Go!
has changed as has a sliver of the track.
ROM Info
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
File: Touge Densetsu - Saisoku Battle (Japan) (Prototype).sfc
Name: SAISOKU BATTLE Company: Unlicensed
Header: None Bank: LoROM
Interleaved: None SRAM: 16 Kb
Type: Normal + Batt ROM: 24 Mb
Country: Japan Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM) Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Corrupt, Bad 0xEB16 Game Code: IO
CRC32: CBA34E28
MD5: 8C7F8DE639D0B3C3B98509BE154FB5E9
SHA-1: E7EE469FB440552A276645C8214B14F438DFA1F7
ROM wasn't found in the database (possible bad dump).
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
File: Touge Densetsu - Saisoku Battle (Japan).sfc
Name: SAISOKU BATTLE Company: Bullet-Proof Software
Header: None Bank: LoROM
Interleaved: None SRAM: 64 Kb
Type: Normal + Batt ROM: 24 Mb
Country: Japan Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM) Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Good 0xC657 Game Code: ACQJ
CRC32: 03FD7AD4
MD5: 51E0FF237EC249972DFAE3A679D5FEE4
SHA-1: D72C79911EB1ED54A22010ED29A37748BC3334CD
Name: Touge Densetsu Saisoku Battle
Country: Japan Revision: 1.0
Port 1: Gamepad Port 2: Gamepad
Genre 1: Racing Genre 2: Biking
PCB Scans coming soon!