サンリオワールド スマッシュボール

Unfortunately same as final but on a development board. Read more about the game on superfamicom.org and SNESCentral.

Title Title Title

In Game In Game In Game

ROM Info

---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
       File: Sanrio World Smash Ball! (Japan).sfc
       Name: SANRIO SMASH BALL!       Company: Character Soft
     Header: None                        Bank: LoROM
Interleaved: None                        SRAM: 0 Kb
       Type: Normal                       ROM: 2 Mb
    Country: Japan                      Video: NTSC
  ROM Speed: 200ns (SlowROM)         Revision: 1.0
   Checksum: Good 0xC100            Game Code:
      CRC32: 0E318416
        MD5: 9D1470F4AE1B3581EE6297380D4EB3E2
      SHA-1: F182EB75F21E46E516CBB6E6BEF0324724BC0F04
       Name: Sanrio World Smash Ball!
    Country: Japan                   Revision: 1.0
     Port 1: Gamepad                   Port 2: Gamepad
    Genre 1: Unknown                  Genre 2: None

PCB & Cart Scan coming soon!


Download Sanrio World Smash Ball! (Japan) (Sample)